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The majority of the cost to fund the LNHS Band Program is covered through fundraising to keep student fees as low as possible. The required funding per student in the LNHS Band Program is roughly $5,000 per year and only about one-third of that is covered by student fees. Our fundraising efforts provide funding for the Wildcat Marching Band and Color Guard, the Winter Guard, the Concert Bands (including Wind Symphony, Symphonic Band, and Concert Band), and other performing ensembles.


There are a number of fundraisers sponsored by the Band Boosters Organization each year. The funds raised from these activities are vital to the operation of the total LNHS Band Program. They pay for staff and instructors, new instruments and equipment, maintenance and repairs, music and licenses, transportation to concerts and competitions, and scholarships to ensure that any student can participate in the band regardless of their financial situation. Without these fundraisers, the quality of equipment, the number of staff members, and the overall quality of education would suffer.​


Along with the various fundraising opportunities throughout the year, we also rely on individual and corporate sponsorships. If you would like to help us raise funds for the students of LNHS Bands, please consider joining our Band Booster Fundraising Committee.​ Please contact our Chair of Fundraising for more information about fundraising and/or sponsorships.

Ongoing Fundraisers

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Support our Winter Guard Program by purchasing gift cards through RaiseRight! For every purchase you make, a percentage of the sale is given back to us. Whether you are buying as a gift or purchasing a card for your own use (Going out to dinner tonight? Buy a gift card for the restaurant before you head out!), each purchase gives us money! It's a simple way to benefit the program with money you were going to spend anyway! Download the app or visit the website to get started today!




For the entirety of the 2024-2025 school year schools will earn $10 for every HT Plus membership or trial membership sign-up or existing membership. To qualify, customers will need to link their VIC card as well as sign up for a free 30-day trial membership or a paid membership of HT Plus or have an existing account. Once those steps are complete, the system will allocate $10 to their TIE school of choice. If customers are linked to multiple schools, the $10 will be divided equally between the schools. Schools will not earn funds on any in-store purchases for the 2024-2025 school year. Schools will receive one check at the end of the year. 


As in previous years, parents, friends and family members must re-link each year in August to ensure their continued support for their child's school. Customers can link their VIC card on the Harris Teeter website or app, or simply ask a cashier to link their school at checkout using the school’s 4-digit code (6593). The more parents and friends who link their VIC card and sign up for a free 30-daytrial membership, or a paid membership, or have an existing HT Plus account, the more money the school will earn.

TIE Programing for 2024-2025 School Year

Previous Fundraisers

September 16 - 30, 2024

Our fundraiser for 2024 has ended and we are so grateful for all of the donations we received!

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LNHS Band Booster Association

PO Box 3471 Mooresville, NC 28117

©2024 by Lake Norman High School Wildcat Band

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