Under the direction of Kyle Campbell
Winter Guard is a competitive sport of the arts. It combines athleticism, choreography, and teamwork to develop a high energy competition show. During the season, we attend 3-5 competitions in different areas of North and South Carolina. You can learn more about our competitions by visiting the Carolina Winter Ensemble Association (CWEA).
On Saturday, April 6, our JV Winter Guard Ensemble participated in the CWEA Color Guard Championships, held in Fort Mill, SC. Not only did they earn first place in their round, but they also were immediately promoted to the next class division (SAAA) for having the 2nd highest score out of 40 schools in their current rank! We are so proud of these performers!
On Sunday, April 7, our Varsity Winter Guard Ensemble traveled to Duncan, SC, for their turn to participate in the CWEA Color Guard Championships. This was their first time competing this season in class division SA, which they were just promoted to on March 21, 2024! They placed 9th in their new division, making a great ending to a wonderful season!
Thanks to everyone who came out to our Community Show! It was a great turn-out and our teams gave it their all in the final performances of the season! If you missed it, you can view the videoed performances on our YouTube channel:
Pictures From the Show
Thanks for an excellent season!
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